Sunday, February 24, 2008

Top 10 Diets

Diets that work and diets that just don`t trim the inches, let us know as we compile the "Top 10 Diets". Help all those around the world struggling to loose weight by sharing your experience.

If you`ve tried any 1 of the 1000`s of diets from:

Atkins diet

South Beach Diet
Cabbage Soup Diet
Ornish Diet
Grapefruit Diet
Low Carb Diet
Gluten Free Diet
Detox Diet
Lemonade Diet
Blood Type Diet
Raw Food Diet
Low Cholesterol Diet

Share your experience with us, and maybe you can help someone else in their weight loss efforts or someone else can help you. Loose lbs together.

Just leave us your comments sharing your:

Diet Name:
Dieting Time:

Are you happy with results?

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